Vážení kolegové, milé kolegyně,

Představujeme vám oznámení iniciativy Titanium Club – FTI. Viz níže v anglickém jazyce.

Tento v podstatě implantologicko-parodontologický klub pořádá třídenní konferenci ve Varšavě, Polsko, ve dnech 24. – 26. dubna 2014.

Klub sám sebe inzeruje jako nekomerční organizaci založenou „vedoucími světově známými klinickými lékaři“.

To je určitě dosti sebevědomé prohlášení. Podívejte se na: www.titaniumclub-fti.com aby jste zjistili více informací. Uvidíte obsazení výborů, témata, hlavní organizátory, ubytování, atd. atd. a samozřejmě i nutnou úhradu.

Zajímavé je prohlášení, že….speciální důraz bude kladen na „take home messages“, rozuměno…na předání takových znalostí a informací, které lze okamžitě převzít do své praxe.

Není mi jasné, kdo z českých parodontologů tento klub zná, jaké s ním má zkušenosti.

Pro případného zájemce by bylo možná vhodné konzultovat u některého ze známých implantologů, např. Dr. Hrkala, doc. Šimůnka, atd.

Zjistit více informací.

Hezké dny,
Ladislav Záruba, Česká Lípa, dne 18.06.2013

Collaboration Request: Titanium Club-FTI - The 1st International Dental Implantology Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 24-26 April, 2014

From: Sarah Krein [mailto:Skrein@paragong.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:53 PM
To: drizhali@volny.cz
Subject: Collaboration Request: Titanium Club-FTI - The 1st International Dental Implantology Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 24-26 April, 2014

Dear Dr. Ivo Dřízhal

Czech Society of Periodontology

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to inform you that the Titanium Club-FTI – The 1st International Dental Implantology Conference is due to take place in Warsaw, Poland from 24-26 April, 2014.

Titanium Club is an initiation presenting an international partnering platform that is focused mainly on education in the fields of periodontology and implant dentistry. It is a non commercial organization founded by a group of leading world-wide clinicians.

The 1st Titanium Club International Conference in conjunction with FTI provides an opportunity to reunite and share a wealth of experience with the finest professionals from around the world for a 3 day outstanding conference.

The Scientific Committee will present a large and mature program with internationally distinguished faculty members, researchers and specialists in line with our commitment to innovation, expertise and excellence.

We would be pleased if you would kindly consider supporting our conference. Participating as a Supporting Organization is a non-financial commitment to publicize the Titanium Club-FTI Conference to your members, such as through your newsletters, website postings, and mailing lists, in return for such promotional consideration and in addition to the benefits listed below.

As a Supporting Organization we would like to ask you to:

Publicize our conference on your website and/or on your event calendar.
Send a newsletter on our behalf to your members, informing them about our conference.
In exchange for your support, we will:

List you as a Supporting Organization and include your logo on the conference website;
List any upcoming events that your organization may have on the conference website;
Provide you with the opportunity to distribute your organization’s marketing materials in either the delegate bags and/or on the future meetings table at the conference itself;

For further information about the conference, we invite you to visit the website:

We hope that your organization will agree to support the conference and we look forward to working with you to take this forward.


Sarah Krein
Titanium Club-FTI Conference 2014
International Congresses, Marketing & Sales (ICMS)
Paragon Group
E-mail: skrein@paragong.com
Tel: +41 22 5330 948 | Fax: +41 22 5802 953